O Natchnienie! Muzo mlodosci!
Pozwol mi dotknac Cie
Jako dotknelas kiedys mnie
Prosze wroc!
Ale nie zyjesz juz dla mnie!
Byc moze tylko slowa sa moim krzykiem,
Ciche i glosne w ten sam czas
Czy ktokolwiek slyszy, ze wolam? Nie.
O! Jak zimno byc nieslyszana dusza.
Byc moze sciany uslysza moje slowa?
Siedze jedna w tych bialych lzach i krzycze
By mnie uslyszeli
Nie slysza.
Spocona i cicha
Martwa i wroga
I calkiem jedna
Porzucona przez
Stalo sie.
Inspiration! The Goddess Of Youth!
Let me touch you
How you once touched me
Please, you have to come back!
But you died for me
You left.
May haps my words are my scream
Whispers and shouts at the same time
Does anyone hear my cry for help? No.
It's so cold to be an unheard soul.
Perhaps walls could hear me out?
Sitting here, devoured by white tears
I shout.
For them to hear me out
They don't hear me.
Sweaty and silent
Dead and deadly
Abandoned by
It happened.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Posted by
2:31 PM
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well.. edytaaa ur poem so tasty really :) so sensitive it made me wondering 2004 u were 15 so how did u know to creat like this poem really ..? i have 21 now and i can't even do half what u 've done i must confess u r the best :) ur poems show me things i couldn't see in my life :) btw i am under th effect of ur poem muaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :P keep on my edytaa and u see ur diary is ok now see it i posted my comment ;) well so sorry i have to gooooo i am talking to my gf now :P:P:P i don't want to be late :P love u :)
Thanx, Ahmed. You are the best. Not me.
Your poems never cease to impress me. It is cool that you made a bi-lingual poem too, i have always thought of doing a post entirely in chinese when i get good enough. This poem really makes me think about age, i guess youth must be enjoyed while it can, because nothing can last forever. I always saw age as more of a mental than physical thing, a person can look physically old but is still has a youthful spirit. Anyway i must cut short against my will i am nearly out of time on the computer. Thanks for the comments. Peace and happiness!
awww Ahmed... lol... Hey Dd.. thnks for checking on ur sweet and adorable bro.. *puke*.. lalala.. tsar jz came back from the USS Enterprise CVN65 :p.. Kool ships.. XB... too excited to indulge in details dd... allalalalalalalalal... Going offline for 3days for some camping trip.. :p.. Hope I survive it though... *boo!*
xianfu ( so strange name but its ok :P:P:P ) thnx sooooooo much :) but wait can u tell dd that she is the best ?;) i am suree she is the best her poems for me like a cure ;) cuz as u know i am always suffering from pain :| any way i am not awriter or something i think u (xianfu)u know more than me ;) u wrote alot any way miss dd i must admit u r the best don't thank me i am just nothing to say my opinion ;) but i' ve reader's skills i gave u excellent :D
Thanx, Samness.
That was a pretty kind comment there. I am afraid it is not a bilengual poem. It's just intially written in polish and translated into english for all of u to understand it:). but becoz i wrote in normally in polish, i wanted to publish it :)
Peace & Happiness!
Tsar, aka Bro!
Leaving DD for 3 days :| the organ player shall get me :|
he looked at me in that suspocious way again :P
anywho, dont forget to tell ur fav dd how was it & if ur still alive. if something happens call my hotline (note: look in ur comment box) :P
tata ;)
gonna miss u :| (not)
Awww, u gave me excellent? *cries* i dont deserve it. omg! how cuteeeeeeee.
& thank you for your opinion, always. it means much. everyone's opinion here means much. :)
"i am suree she is the best her poems for me like a cure ;) "
Edyta fainted :| omg.... how sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
eeeeeeet. yum yum.
I'm not sure if i haven't heard this poem already in polish some time ago but still it's great to read it again. Really, i'm the biggest fan of your poetry! :P and what's more, the poem translated to english sounds as good as originally, maybe even better :) so deep, so artistic.. damn, you're genius :P
luvz ;*~
As u can see i was just 15 & i had such philosophical thoughts (unlike now, surely) :D & nah, me isnot a genius. sticking words together? u dont have to be a genius to do it ;) thyhyhy. :D
luvz towards ya too ;*~
wait... Big sis... York said ur the best... I shall echo his words.. lol.. Call ur hotline??.. Wasnt it for someone who wanted to purchase ur service???... Hmm.. ur bro doesnt want to die yet..SARaH!!! lol... :p Dont worry abt the oRgan plAyer.. I did a background check on him.. He is actually....... hmm.... Here, take this kinder bueno.. :p..
miSS chA....*sOBBs*... 1st time.. Im leavING dD.. not gonna buy ur sweet bro anything to eat?... :p
I rarely see anything in the Polish language although I used to work with a friend that spoke the language fluently and her parents were from there. I used to get the biggest kick out of her going off in Polish when we went out for drinks. Guys always had the funniest look on their faces, not sure what she was or what she said. American men. LOL
"not gonna buy ur sweet bro anything to eat?..."
aint u gonna bring ur sis anything useful from ur journey? huh? huh? huh? :P not even a rotten postcard? sobbs :D lol :D
"Here, take this kinder bueno.. :p.."
GIMME! *maniacally drooling*
"Hmm.. ur bro doesnt want to die yet.."
not yet? damn. i had hopes :| LOL
Well, be good now. Don't come back too early, my guests dont like being hurried. lol. yes. i am evil. boo.
good luck tsar, aka my sweet *puke* bro :)
In general i speak... how can i say..."unclean" polish? cuz, i am from lithuania & here we have a mixture of languages: polish, russian & lithuanian :D
"Guys always had the funniest look on their faces, not sure what she was or what she said. American men. LOL "
I must confess, i understand them; i cant speak normal polish in front of my friends, cuz its always a laugh out loud :D sometimes we speak proper polish on streets for jokes. lol. for normal ppl it had to be vice versa but not for me :D
Glad to see your back :)
hello edytas. like you, i do not want to be a pain in the ass, but i just wanna say that i hope you're not feeling down. maybe it's just me and my silly wanna psyhic ways LOL. i just wanna shake off the feeling that you're unwell. i guess you would tell us so, right? i'm sorry...i don't mean to sound sooo abrasive or pressure you, just concerned about you ;D. did i ever tell edytas that my bros best friend is polish? and i love hearing it (not that i do often) but it's very nice to hear it LOL.
another deep piece by the edytas? i love the aniticipation of it all. MORE lol. greeedy. ya know what? yaney is sorta proud cuz i hate letting ppl know that their departure hurts. i hate being abandoned...it hurts, but i don't wanna let 'em know cuz i'm too proud? LOL. plus, it ruins my strong & independent image. i makes me look clingy...but truth be known: i don't think we should be ashamed to reveal that someone's presence is illumating and is it such a bad thing that it helped immensly in making you feel less like a bag of dirt/dust? i mean really??? i have mixed feelings about this issue, don't i? hehe. silly. an "unheard" soul? woooooow. i like that :D. i don't know where mine is LOL. hence, yaney is a lost soul? hmmm. oooooooh, this is very ambiguis & mysterious to me. may i ask if this makes edytas happy? this poem? i wish i could write in khmer, perhaps one day. so really, i can't say i'm bi-lingual, huh? *cries* that's not fair. waaaaaaaa. what i'm trying to say is that edytas is gifted anyways, and the fact that you can write & speak in more than one language is amazing to me. i really do admire that (& any naked ladies doodles LOL). i remember hating being cambodian when i was little, but then a teacher once pointed out that children whose first language isn't english are special & clever cuz they manage to learn another language. they conquer their own & english, and sometimes they speak, read & write heaps better than those whose first language IS english. get it? i'm rambling. okies, i tried to be short, but i suck bad. thanks kindly again for your super kind words. i really am touched :D. and no, you're brilliant. truly. i hope you're well today :D :D. peace & happiness. always.
oh, yeaaaaaaaah, the shawshank redemption is my fav movie. i love it. i love the whole f/ship in it. it's beautiful. oh, i've yet to see memoirs of a geisha. damn :(. oh, please feel free to ignore my ramblings. sooooo gay! LOL
ps- i love the pic :D
i'm sorry, edytas. i will be short in the future. that's if your place doesn't ban me. crap.
Yaneyyyyyyy (aka brides, aka cyber twin, aka ratey)!!
You have been truly missed, as Samness said! He was absolutely right! There's nothign better that the queen of rambling rambling in my box <--- thats an honour. anywho, welcome back :)
"like you, i do not want to be a pain in the ass, but i just wanna say that i hope you're not feeling down."
there is absolutely nooooooooooooo pain in the ass at all! just ur sweetesr concern eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. no, i am not down :) i am a-ok :) hope, as u :)
"did i ever tell edytas that my bros best friend is polish? "
no u havent! thats awesome!
btw, i saw this programme yesterday on tv, it was abt Cambodia :) There,i saw 2 sacret bulls & they were worshiped becoz the sick person they licked, he magically became healthy again. also, those who werent lucky enough to be licked by these 2 bulls would eat their shit. i am serious. eat their shit & hope for a magical thing/miracle. well, thats what happened there :) just wanted to share this :)
"oh, yeaaaaaaaah, the shawshank redemption is my fav movie. i love it. i love the whole f/ship in it."
it was a marvelous film! i soooo cried in the end. i even dunno why, cuz after all it was a happy end. but i cried as an asshole (thats soooooooooo me) omg. its also based on a novel by stephen king. i love that guy. its great to know that 'the shawshank redemption' is ur fav movie! it def goes to one of my faves. yet for me 'the green mile' still stays on top :) well, 'the shawshank redemption' is a close nr 2 i think :)
"may i ask if this makes edytas happy? this poem? "
hmmmm not sureeee. i wrote it when i was 15 :D i wrote it in polish & only then translated it into english :) i translated it at the day i posted it.
i wanted this poem to be this something sowing the process of a person going kookoo :D yep, the journey from the sane towards INsane: it's when u r abandoned by, firstly ppl (that caused u to go insane) then thouhts, feelings/tears, senses, then surely miiiiind & then faith to be able to have a normal life again & there u have it, it hapened, the person is a looney :) that was my point :)
"i'm sorry, edytas. i will be short in the future. that's if your place doesn't ban me. crap."
i shall ban myself before i ban you. truly. u can be as long as u want. u r free to do anything u want. molest away :D & all u'll be given is gratitude. really. :)
ps. plz excuse my dysexia. i am blind & deaf.
pps. i cant stop dancing becoz i am sooo ahppy that u r back :)
ppps. hope ur superHOTLYfine & zexily gr8.
Girl you sure know how to bring tears to my eyes. Everytime I read your post about your brother I cry again. You always have such emotional beautiful thoughts. Love your posts.
Thank you so much, Sweetness! OMG! Why did i get so excited & hyper? :D
But i dont want to see ur tears, nor anyone's tears :| bad edyta :D lol
Dd!!! uR tSar is injured.... u can call that a souvenir from tsar.... every step he takes is like taking step on a bed wit needles... HURTs!!! Let me tell u wat happened... *light switched off* it was 1.30 am.. i asked arif whether he wanted to play basketball at the secluded hall at the building I was staying... He said "nah, onli both of us"... i went back to bed... Isa, my pal.. later on came and asked me whether I wanted 2 play basketball or not.. i said yes..We went in the group of 8... Okay... the hall was very very very dark... eerie!!!.. With the guards nowhere in sight, we went to the hall... Okay, no spirit there.. neither did ghost appear there.. We were safe... Until I started to play barefoot..which I think..it was the dumbest move I have ever made..so far..(besides making Dd my big sis..(kidding... lolz) ... to be continued later... lalalalalal
Shiiiit. Thats evil. Waiting for the continuation!!!!!!!!!!!
Do it before i form an angry mob.
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